General Information

Full Name Luis Eduardo Sánchez González
Date of Birth 25th January 2000
Languages Spanish (Native), English


  • 2023 - 2025
    Master in Science
    Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Ensenada, México
    • Advisor: Dr. Ramón Carrillo Bastos
  • 2017 - 2022
    Bachelor's degree in Physics Engineering
    Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, Coahuila, México
    • (GPA 3.6).
    • Thesis project: "Quantum geometry in two-dimensional materials".
      • Abstract: Detailed study of the electronic and topological properties of graphene-like systems.
      • Supervisor: Dr. Pierre A. Pantaleon Peralta and Dr. Carlos E. Rodriguez Garcia

Research experience

  • 2021 - 2023
    Thesis research project
    Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas, UAdeC and IMDEA Nanoscience
    • Supervised by Dr. Pierre Anthony Pantaleon Peralta
    • I performed in geometric and topological propierties of 2D materials. We calculated the metric tensor, Berry phase of topological graphene-like systems and we characterize the different topological phases
  • May 2022 -
    Ago 2022
    Summer Intership
    Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas, UAdeC and IMDEA Nanoscience
    • Supervised by Dr. Ramón Carrillo Bastos
    • I worked on Dirac systems. We proposed a hybrid model called ”Kekulé-modulated α-T3 model” and we calculate an analytical expression for the dispersion relation.

Teaching experience

  • Oct 2022 -
    Feb 2023
    High School Teacher
    Colegio Nacional de Profesionales Técnicos - CONALEP Plantel I
    • Calculus & Physics
    • I taught classes for last-year High School students.

Software Skills

  • Programming
    • Python (Numpy, Matplotlib, Plotly, PyQt, Sympy, Scipy, Pandas) (Advanced)
    • C/C++ (Intermediate)
    • Fortran, Julia (Basic)
    • Web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) (Basic)
  • Software
    • LaTeX (TexMaker, Overlaf) (3 years)
    • GNU/Linux (3 years)
    • Anaconda (Conda, Jupyter, Markdown, QtConsole, Spyder, VSC) (2 years)
    • Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Excel, Publisher) (7 years)
    • Git/Github (1 year)
    • Arduino (1 year)
    • Wolfram Mathematica (6 months)

Open Source Projects

  • 2021-now
    • A package in python for solve problems in computational physics.

General Academic Interests

  • Condensed Matter Physics
    • Topological phases of matter
    • Dirac materials
  • Science education
    • Mathematics
    • Scientific computing

Memberships and ORCID

  • ORCID iD
    • 0000-0001-9523-7980